
I can carry out all aspects of commercial installation work including expert faultfinding on all buildings and machinery. 
I also understand the complex implications of the regulations and legislation regarding all electrical installations. We can arrange a periodic inspection, test and certification of all your electrical installations ensuring that you "Stay Safe and Legal".

 Why do you need to have an electrical installation tested and inspected?

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, incorporating The Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1992, places a statutory legal duty on all employers to ensure that employees and all others are not subjected to risks to their health and safety. The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 requires those in control of part or all of an electrical system to ensure that the system is safe to use and it is maintained in a safe condition.

All electrical installations deteriorate with age and use.

The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, states that 'Every Duty Holder (Employer etc.) must comply with the provisions within the act. This is an Absolute requirement which must be met regardless of cost or other considerations. This makes all employers legally responsible for the integrity and safety of the electrical installation in their working environment.

The Act also states that 'All systems shall at all times be of such construction as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, danger.' And that 'As may be necessary to prevent danger, all systems shall be maintained so far as is reasonably practicable, to prevent danger.'

Please contact me to discuss your requirements.

I can, via the 'Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification' of your installation and testing of your Portable Appliances, ensure your compliance with the above, and advise accordingly.

The periodic electrical inspection, test & certification is comprehensive, detailed and thorough. It is an industry standard - to BS7671 and can be likened to an 'M.O.T' on the electrical installation.

Not only will any faults or defects found be recorded, but where possible, suggestions for cost effective solutions will be advised. Having completed testing, the results are presented in a high quality bound report which includes the following; -

• Periodic Inspection Documentation Including: Periodic Inspection Report, Inspection Schedule & Test Results Schedule, Circuit Assessments, General Faults, Specific Faults & Their Locations & Suggested Solutions, Sight Observations & All Earth Bonding Checked.

• Dangerous Conditions - Remedial action will be discussed at the time of testing, and if possible rectified immediately.

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